#69 After a Looooooooongggg Time.......

ouh hye...assalamualaikum to uols... lama tak bukak blog ni... habuk n sawang merata...oouhhh...alang-alang..aku nak ucap kan... ''SELAMAT BERCUTI KEPADA SEMUA READER *IF ANY* ...KEPADA MEREKA YANG BALIK KAMPUNG JAUH-2 TU...BAWAK KERETA HATI-2...AND KEPADA YANG MASIH BELAJAQ...GOOD LUCK SETTLING UR HOME ASSIGNMENT...TEHEHE ~"

sorry for not update this blog with new story...well, technically aku memang tak de interesting cerita yang nak di storytelling kat sini...

it's just....walaupun busy dengan kehidupan student...*cehh cakap mc tak pernah jadik student before* what i mean here is...need to get use with life as degree student...tu je...seriously *crying*

seriously folks aku memang tak de cerita...but i try to fine a story to tell...really...aku tengah berusaha keras ni .... can't u see my effort ?? T.T

oouuhh...i can't attach photos since my usb can't be connected with this laptop...i don't know why...maybe either the usb or this laptop need a special 'treatment'....who knows right ? but as usual...u can go to my INSTA : eylakbaharin to see all the photos...and of course i do upload in it....can also follow my twitter account @eylakbaharin... of course i do post my current activity and sometime feeling there..hehe :P

what else.... i'm so sorry sebab tak dapat nak post banyak-banyak macam dulu, the reason macam aku cakap kat atas...i need to get use with my new student life...still belajaq macam mana nk bahagi kan masa...dan oleh sebab tak pandai bahagi kan masa..now i'm stuck with 3 assignments, 1 book review and i article review...yeah...nampak macam tak banyak...but actually memang banyak..yeah....

so aku dah tak banyak masa nak membebel panjang kat sini since i need to email to all my friends the presentation slides so they can prepare early...hehe

well..till later...bubye..assalamualaikum :)


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